F.X. On the End of Art (Red Laboratory / White Laboratory).

Director: Pedro G. Romero.
Red Laboratory: Rector’s Lecture Room of the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA), Seville. Date: 3rd - 7th, June, 2002.
White Laboratory:
      * Mornings: Laboratory Alfa of the Faculty of Library Economics and Documentation of The University of Granada,
         La Cartuja Campus.
      * Afternoons: Fundación Euro-Árabe de Altos Estudios (Euro-Arabian Foundation of Higher Studies).
         C/ San Jerónimo Nº 27. Date: 10th - 14th, June, 2002.
In collaboration with: Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo de Sevilla. Facultad de Bibliotecomía y Documentación de la Universidad de Granada. Fundación Euro-Árabe de Altos Estudios.




White and Red laboratories are an invitation to work with the F.X. Archive.

The F.X. Archive is a documentary fund under construction whose aim is to lay the foundations in order to (paraphrasing Jürgen Habermas) urbanise the provinces of nihilism. On the one hand it is an archive of imagery in political anticlerical iconoclasm in Spain. On the other hand and viewed in this light, it is a mirror of radical projects undertaken by the modern vanguards from the Commune of 1871 to the present day, from Malevitch to Rothko, from Dada to the Situationists.

That artistic activity, from high poetry to the culture of mass entertainment, is regarded as a mechanism for repossessing transcendence and religious rites only reinforces the importance of an artistic language such as iconoclasm.

It must however be remarked how, until 1945, the arts used iconoclastic mechanisms in order to gain complete independence, disassociating themselves from social functionalisms and institutional restrictions. From this date onwards art would, using the above mechanisms, try to extend itself from this position of sovereign independence into all fields of knowledge and social practices with especial emphasis on community activities. This is a journey which takes us from Freidrich to Klee and thence to Beuys, for example.

In a situation such as that which exists today where visual elements are the principal artistic capital in society’s stock of imagery, it is only to be expected that iconoclasm, from the twin Buddha’s of Bamiyan to the Twin Towers of New York, from the burning of national flags to the burning in effigy of political leaders, from the rebellion of youth represented by the punk movement, to the new fallen idols of the masses, becomes, in all its violence, the definitive political gesture.

Over one year of work, this workshop is a project with its outlined aim, which enables anyone who expresses an interest to present works based on the F.X. Archive, exhibiting them, publishing them, etc.

Pedro G. Romero
He is a sculptor. He has been working on the construction of the F.X. Archive since the year 2000 and has given presentations in the UIMP Summer University both in Seville and Huesca, in Barcelona and Seville Universities’ Schools of Architecture and in several CAAC (Andalusian Centre of Contemporary Art) workshops in Seville. He has also taken part, via the F.X. Archive in activities organised by the Fundació Antoni Tàpies Foundation in Barcelona and Doméstico in Madrid. The F.X. Archive has been presented in the Rector Peset Hall of Residence of the University of Valencia and in the MACBA (Barcelona Collection of Modern Art) and Barcelona’s Alexander Cirici Contemporary Art Documentation Centre.




Invited Artists: Julio Jara, Salomé del Campo, La Fiambrera.
 - Seville: Iconoclastic Processes
: José Luis Gutiérrez Molina, David González Romero, Francisco Espinosa.
 - Iconoclasm, the Vanguard and the History of Art: Juan José Lahuerta, José Díaz Cuyás, Amador Fernádez-Savater.

Monday, June 3rd
· 11:00 - 14:00 h. Presentation of Archivo F.X. by Pedro G. Romero
· 18:00 - 21:00 h. Presentation and working symposium by Julio Jara

Tuesday, June 4th
· 11:00 - 14:00 h. Presentation and working symposium by Salomé del Campo
· 18:00 h. Presentation and working symposium by La fiambrera
· 21:00 h. Screening of the films Reportaje del movimiento revolucionario en Barcelona. 1936, Mateos Santos, 22’ and ¡Vivan los hombres libres! 1939, Edgar Neville, 8’30’’. Distribution of Leaflets for Free Circulation no.’s 7 and 8.

Wednesday, June 5th
· 11:00 - 14:00 h. Working symposium with Archivo F.X.
· 19:00 h. Lecture by José Luis Gutiérrez Molina
· 21:00 h. Lecture by Juan José Lahuerta

Thursday, June 6th
· 11:00 - 14:00 h. Working symposium with Archivo F.X.
· 19:00 h. Lecture by David González Romero
· 21:00 h. Lecture by José Díaz Cuyás

Friday, June 7th
· 11:00 - 14:00 h. Working symposium with Archivo F.X.
· 19:00 h. Lecture by Francisco Espinosa
· 21:00 h. Lecture by Amador Fernández Savater

Place: Rectory Lecture Room of the International University of Andalusia. Isla de la Cartuja.
All of the presentations and screening of the films are open to those members of the public wishing to attend



Invited Artists: Alberto Baraya, Chema López, Bleda and Rosa.
 - Granada: Iconoclastic Corpus
: José Antonio González Alcantud, Juan Manuel Barrios Rozúa, Javier López Gijón
 - Iconoclasm, Lacan and Psychoanalysis: Carmen Ribés, José Luis Chacón, Adolfo Jiménez.

Monday, June 10th
· 11:00 - 14:00 h. Presentation of Archivo F.X. by Pedro G. Romero
· 18:00 - 21:00 h. Presentation and working symposium by Alberto Baraya

Tuesday, June 11th
· 11:00 - 14:00 h. Presentation and working symposium by Chema López
· 18:00 h. Presentation and working symposium by María Bleda and José Mª Rosa
· 21:00 h. Screening of the films Reportaje del movimiento revolucionario en Barcelona. 1936, Mateos Santos, 22’ and ¡Vivan los hombres libres! 1939, Edgar Neville, 8’30’’. Distribution of Leaflets for Free Circulation no.’s 7 and 8.

Wednesday, June 12th
· 11:00 - 14:00 h. Working symposium with Archivo F.X.
· 19:00 h. Lecture by José Antonio González Alcantud
· 21:00 h. Lecture by Carmen Ribés

Thursday, June 13th
· 11:00 - 14:00 h. Working symposium with Archivo F.X.
· 19:00 h. Lecture by Juan Manuel Barrios Rozúa
· 21:00 h. Lecture by José Luis Chacón

Friday, June 14th
· 11:00 - 14:00 h. Working symposium with Archivo F.X.
· 19:00 h. Lecture by Javier López Gijón
· 21:00 h. Lecture by Adolfo Jiménez

* Mornings: Laboratory Alfa of the Faculty of Library Economics and Documentation of The University of Granada, La Cartuja Campus.
* Afternoons: Fundación Euro-Árabe de Altos Estudios (Euro-Arabian Foundation of Higher Studies). Calle San Jerónimo Nº 27.

All of the presentations and screening of the films are open to those members of the public wishing to attend.





Julio Jara.
An artist or almost an artist. Flamenco singer in Infrapayo. He writes poetry and performs. He is the head porter of the Fundación Francisco Giner de los Ríos Foundation. His latest exhibition, 14.555 pts. is to be found in Galería Moriarty in Madrid. Presentation of his work and his approach to the F.X. Archive.

Salomé del Campo.
Painter. She has a degree in Fine arts and since her last exhibition in the Galería Juana de Aizpuru she has been working in the fields of photography and restoration. Presentation of her work and her approach to the F.X. Archive.

La Fiambrera. A Collective.
Since they met sub-commander Marcos, they have been travelling the world creating political art and jokes in general. Editor of the Kit Alameda, a collection of works undertaken in Seville’s eponymous quarter. Presentation of their work and their approach to the F.X. Archive.

José Luis Gutiérrez Molina.
Doctor of History and a researcher in the University of Cadiz’ Present History group. He is author of La Idea revolucionaria,1993 and La Anarquía según Andalucía,1996. He wrote the introduction to Durruti en la revolución española,1996 by Abel Paz. Lecture: Morals and Spiritualism. Violence and the Religious Question in Anarchism.

David González Romero.
Journalist and documentarist. He has published articles on the subject of Silverio Lanza. He is Editor of the collection La mirada del otro. Lecture: The fatal Virgin. Warnings concerning Anticlerical Literature in Seville.

Francisco Espinosa.
Historian. He is author of La guerra civil en Huelva,1996 and La Justicia de Queipo, 2000. He is also the co-author of Morir, matar, sobrevivir. La violencia en la dictadura de Franco, 2002. Lecture: August 1936. Repression and propaganda: the Origins of the General Cause.

Juan José Lahuerta.
Professor of Art History in the Barcelona School of Architecture. Author of 1927, La abstracción necesaria,1987, Antonio Gaudí, Arquitectura, ideología y política,1993, Decir Anti es decir Pro,1999 and Le Corbusier. Espagne, Carnets, 2001. Lecture: The City in Flames.

José Díaz Cuyás.
Professor of Aesthetics at the University of La Laguna. Director of the art magazine Acto. Publisher of the book Cuerpos a motor, 1997. Lecture: The Vandalism of Modernity and the Modernity of Vandalism

Amador Fernández-Savater.
History graduate from the Complutense University of Madrid. He is the author of Filosofía y acción, 1999. Co-director of the publishers Acuarela Libros. He is director of the cultural critique magazine Archipiélago and collaborates with Babelia-El País. Lecture: Mythopoiesis in Times of War.



Alberto Baraya.
Artist and Colombian. His singular publications throw doubts on the diverse legitimisation mechanisms which art produces. His latest presentation, in Le Palais de Tokio de París, is Expédition Européenne, (2002). Presentation of his work and his approach to the F.X. Archive.

Chema López.
Painter. The title of his doctoral thesis, Representación pictórica de las relaciones de poder a partir de la propia actividad pictórica, gives us an idea of his work. La mirada triste de Mr.Arkadín, 2002 is the title of his latest exhibition. Presentation of his work and his approach to the F.X. Archive.

Bleda and Rosa.
José María Rosa and María Bleda, both photographers, carry out a singular investigation into time, space and memory. In 1997 they presented their book Campos de batalla. They are participating in Manifesta’2002, in Frankfurt. Presentation of their work and their approach to the F.X. Archive.

José Antonio González Alcantud.
Professor of Anthropology at The University of Granada. He is Director of the Ángel Ganivet Centre in Granada. He is author of among other titles, El rapto del arte. Antropología cultural del deseo estético, 2002. Lecture: The Pagan that never stops. Popular Iconoclasm and the Artistic Vanguard in the 20th Century

Carmen Ribés.
Psychologist working for the Granada Provincial Deputation in its Provincial Centre of Drug Dependency. She is a former Psychologist of Granada’s Provincial Centre for Women and of the Cuadernos Andaluces de Psicoanálisis. Lecture: The Absence of the Object.

Juan Manuel Barrios Rozúa.
Doctor of Art History. Professor of the Granada Architecture School. He is author of Reforma urbana y destrucción del patrimonio histórico en Granada. Ciudad y desamortización, 1998. Lecture: Iconoclasm: Clericalism and Anticlerical Reaction in Granada (1931-1939).

José Luis Chacón.
Head of the Audio-visual Department in the Granada Provincial Deputation. He is a psychologist and psychoanalyst and is in charge of the Freud Institute of Granada. Lecture: Is a Picture really worth a Thousand Words? From the imaginary Register to the meaning of the Father’s Name.

Javier López Gijón.
Professor of Library Economics at the University of Granada. He lays special emphasis on his work in the Alhambra library. He is co-author of Técnicas cuantitativas aplicadas a la Biblioteconomia y Documentación, 1996. Lecture: Fear, Oblivion and Fantasy; Iconoclasm in Times of the Moriscos.

Adolfo Jiménez.
Doctor and Psychiatrist. Former Professor of in the Faculty of Medicine of Malaga and former psychiatrist in Malaga Psychiatric Hospital. Psychoanalyst. Analyst Member (AME) of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis. Lecture: Iconoclasm and the post-scientific movement.