São Paulo S.A.

Direction: Catherine David
Coordination in Brazil: EXO - Experimental org. Ligia Nobre, Cécile Zoonens
Venue: Rector’s Lecture Room of the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA), Seville
Date: 24th - 26th, February 2003
Guest speakers: Jean-Claude Bernardet, Anderson Kasuo Nakano y Celso Fernando Favaretto




São Paulo S.A. (title inspired by Luiz Sergio Person's film, marking the industrial and economic turning point in the history of the city) conscientiously fixes a specific setting for the cultural and aesthetic behaviour resulting from the interaction of varying urban and social disciplines and experiences. Using this as a starting point, it then proposes a series of network exchanges to enable the dynamics and forms involved to be mapped out for the first time.

In an attempt to contribute to possible contemporary representations (cultural, social and political) of one of the most original and significant global metropolises, specific local examples will be used to energize unique projects illustrating the new cross-connections between politics and aesthetics in Brazil and elsewhere.

This is the background against which the first seminar draws together, and compares and contrasts the thesis of an urban development architect (Kazuo Nakano), with those of a cinema historian (Jean-Claude Bernardet) and a culture critic (Celso Favaretto).




MONDAY, 24th February 2003
· 18:00 h. Jean-Claude Bernardet: Representation of the city of São Paulo in the cinema
A historical journey through the city of São Paulo as seen in the cinema, from the first known filmed image (1904) to the present. The city seen in the cinema is not a portrait of the real city, but an interpretation of it. The talk will be accompanied by the projection of some short and medium length films.
Films to be projected:
São Paulo sinfonia e cacofonia de Jean-Claude Bernardet, 1995, 40 min.
de João Batista de Andrade, 1972, 7min.
Disaster Movie de Wilson Barros, 1979, 20 min.

TUESDAY, 25th February 2003

· 18:00 h.
Anderson Kazuo Nakano: Territorialization strategies in the metropolis of São Paulo
One of the most influential features in the moulding of the São Paulo metropolitan area is the socio-territorial inequality existent between high and low income groups. Every day, the metropolis, an extremely complex urban system, witnesses conflictive territorialization processes. The social agents are very much involved in these processes, identifying and adjusting political "interaction maps". Focussing on the strategies employed by the low income population to occupy virgin space, their object is to face up to the emergence of these maps in the metropolitan network.

WEDNESDAY, 26th February 2003
· 18:00 h.
Celso Favaretto: Tropicalist Music and Hélio Oiticica´s Tropicalia
Celso Favaretto will talk about art transformations in Brazil in the 1960s, with special emphasis on the relationship between "artistic experimentalism and social criticism", and on the work of Hélio Oiticica and popular tropicalist music. The talk will therefore be a discussion of the ethical and aesthetic imperatives which inspired the work of Brazilian artists, above all in the years 1964-1969.

· 20:00 h.
Panel: Jean-Claude Bernardet, Anderson Kazuo Nakano, Celso Fernando Favaretto and Catherine David.
In the 1960s and 1970s São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro were the place of origin and the stage for the development of an extraordinary generation of Brazilian artists, architects, film makers, and intellectuals, including, among others, Lygia Clark, Hélio Oiticica, Glauber Rocha, etc. This group of artists and intellectuals began to be noticed just at a moment when Brazil was enjoying a heady period of economic progress. In the face of the significant political changes being experienced in Brazil, the transformations which took place in the 1960s will be superimposed and evaluated against the possible representations (cultural, political and social) which are taking place today.


[All conferences will be open to any members of the public interested. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided]




Jean-Claude Bernardet
Professor at the Escola de Comunicações e Artes of the University of São Paulo, he is the author of the following essays, among others: Brasil em tempo de cinema (1967-1976); Cinema Brasileiro: propostas para uma história (1979); Cineastas e Imagens do Povo (1985); O Voo dos anjos: Bressane, Sganzerla (1991); O Autor no cinema (1994); Historiografia clássica do cinema brasileiro (1995). He has written the novels: Aquele rapaz (1990); Os Histéricos (1993); A doença, uma experiênia (1996); and the scripts: O caso dos Irmãos Naves (1967); Brasilia Contradições de uma cidade nova (1968); Um céu de estrelas (1995); Através da janela (2000). He produced and directed the film São Paulo sinfonia e cacofonia (1995); he produced the film São Paulo cinemacidade (Dir. Aloysio Raulino, 1995, 30') and directed the film Sobre anos 60 (1999). He is the author of articles published in journals, magazines, catalogues and anthologies in the following countries: Germany, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Spain, the United States, France, England, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Switzerland, Uruguay.

Anderson Kazuo Nakano

Graduate in Urban Development Architecture from the Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo of the University of São Paulo (FAUUSP), postgraduate from the Institute for Housing and Urban Development in Rotterdam, he now teaches Urban and Environmental Construction at the FAUUSP. He has carried out research at the Centro Brasileiro de Analise e Planejamento (CEBRAP) and has worked as parliamentary consultant for São Paulo City Council. He worked on the preparation of the Social Exclusion/Inclusion Map of the City of Santo André, financed by the U.N. Urban Management Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Social Exclusion/Inclusion Map of the City of São Paulo-Dinâmicas in the 1990s. He was also involved with other research teams analysing contemporary transition in the city of São Paulo. He also now works in a specialist capacity at Polis -Instituto de Estudos, Formação e Assessoría em Políticas Sociais- in the core area of Urban Development, and in the Centro de Estudos das Desigualdades Sócioterritoriais.

Celso Fernando Favaretto

Doctor in Philosophy specializing in Aesthetics, at the Faculdade de Filosofía, Letras e Ciências Humanas of the University of São Paulo (FFLCH-USP), he is professor of Philosophy in the Education Faculty (USP) and in the Aesthetics section of the Post-Graduate Programme in Philosophy. Author of numerous article and essays in co-written books, magazines, national and international newspapers. He has published the books: Tropicália: Alegoría, Alegría (1979), 3. ed. São Paulo, Ateliê Editorial, 2002 and A Invenção de Hélio Oiticica (1992), 2. ed. São Paulo, Editora de la Universidad de São Paulo, 2002.