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Seminar The Iraqi Equation (I) |
Venue: International University of Andalusia (UNIA). Monasterio de Santa María de las Cuevas, Av. Américo Vespucio 2. Isla de la Cartuja (Sevilla)
From the Gulf War to the invasion and occupation of the country, the images and information which we receive from Iraq have simplified to a great extent, the representation and details of an extremely complex situation - both from the political, as well as the cultural and social, point of view. Taking all this into account, the dramatic situations now taking place in Iraq should not represent an obstacle to our desire to focus on the productions, ideas and conflicts which have left their mark on Iraqi culture in the last half a century; years marked by the revolution, political violence and consolidation of the dictatorship. Since the end of the fifties, one of the constants in Iraqi culture has been the diverse (and more or less definitive) waves of exiles, the constitution of a diaspora and the evolution of creation within the country itself. In the present day, we feel it appropriate to evaluate the extent of the tensions and antagonisms which this situation has brought about, facing a variety of different discourses and positions developed in Iraq and abroad. In this respect, we have deemed it important to give those directly involved in Iraq the chance to speak, both those in the country itself and abroad: writers and poets, film-makers, photographers and artists, architects involved in the rebuilding of its cities as well as certain foreign experts whose analyses will contribute to our greater understanding of those problems which have led to the current situation.
Monday, 14th November
Tuesday, 15th November 2005 Winner of the Jury's Prize at Locarno in 2002, Forget Baghdad tells the story of Jews in Baghdad, members of the Iraq communist party who were forced to move to Israel. Jews in Baghdad and Arabs in Israel, the split identities and confused lives of these people speak of a profound global disorder, both political and cultural. Web: http://www.forgetbaghdad.com/
Wednesday, 16th November 2005
Thursday, 17th November
The film proposes an original view of the
inhabitants of Palestine-Israel, that shared by an Israeli and a Palestinian.
For two months the Israeli Eyal Sivan and the Palestinian Michel Khleifi
travelled together through their country of birth, marking their route
on a road map and calling the result Route 181. This virtual line
follows the frontier as laid down by Resolution 181, which called for
the division of Palestine into two States and was adopted by the United
Nations in 1947. Eyal Sivan and Michel Khleifi's film, which they consider
a cinematographic act of faith, invite us to join them on a disconcerting
journey through this small territory in which so much is at stake.
Ali Bader (Baghdad, Irak, 1964) is a novelist
and essayist. He has a degree from Baghdad University in Western Philosophy
and French Literature. He has worked as contributing editor of the Baghdad
magazine Literary Avant Garde. His publications include the novels
Papa Sartre (Beirut, 2001), awarded the State Prize for Literature
in Baghdad and the Abulkassim al-Shabbi prize for the novel in Tunis;
Winter of the Family (Baghdad, 2002), winner of the prize for literary
creativity in the U.A.E.; Naked Feast (Germany, 2005); The way
to Tel-moutran (Beirut, 2005): and the essays Midnight's maps,
Travels to Istanbul, Iran, Algeria (Beirut, 2004) winner of the Ibn-Batuta
prize in Abu-Dhabi; Massignon in Baghdad (Germany, 2005) and Sleeping
prince and delayed expedition (Beirut, 2005). His writings represent
the clash of occident by changes of fashion, the alternation of classes,
the effect of political events on the social life and the ethnical differences
in Iraqui society.
Nuria Enguita Mayo (Paris, France, 1954) is graduate in Spanish and
Portuguese Literature and Linguistics and History of Art. From 1981 to
1990 she was curator of the National Museum of Modern Art, Georges Pompidou
Centre, and from 1990 she worked for the Jeu de Paume National Gallery.
Art director of Documenta X (dX) in Kassel, she directed the Witte de
With Contemporary Art Centre in Rotterdam from 2002 to 2004. She currently
is a fellow from the Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin (2005-2006). Kaïs Jewad Alazawi (Khalis, Iraq, 1945), journalist and researcher, he is graduated in Psychology at the University of Cairo and obtained a doctorate in Modern History at the Paris IV University. He was chief editor of the Études orientales magazine in Paris, and political analyst for BBC Radio, and for TV: Al-Jazeera, Abu Dhabi, Dubaï, Shargat, from 1994 to 2003. In May 2003 he was appointed editor of the Al Jarida newspaper in Baghdad. He is currently the director of l'Observatoire Irakien. He has produced numerous articles and research papers in different Arab newspapers and magazines, and has published over a dozen books, including: La pensée islamique contemporaine (Beirut, 1992); Du califat au coup d'Etat (Paris, 1994); Les Arabes et l'occident à la veille du XXIème siècle (Paris, 1997); La citoyenneté dans un pays multi-ethnique et multi-confessionnel (Baghdad, 2005); La protection des journalistes en Irak (Paris, 2005) and Recueil de feuillets culturels (Baghdad, 2005).
Pierre-Jean Luizard (Paris, France, 1954) is a researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France. He has lived long periods of time in most of the Arab countries of the Middle East, particularly Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt. A historian of Contemporary Islam in his native country, he is especially interested in the effect of different manifestations of Islamic faith and the role played by some of them in current political systems: history of the Chiite clergy in Iraq; history of Islamic reformism, especially following the reform of Al-Azhar and popular Islam as structured by the Suffi brotherhoods in Egypt. He is a member of the Groupe de Sociologie des religions et de la Laïcité (GSRL) in Paris, and his recent publications include La formation de l'Irak contemporain (París, 1991), La question irakienne (París, 2002) and La vie de l'ayatollah Mahdî al-Khâlisî par son fils (2005). Together with Martine Cohen and Jean Joncheray he co-directed the collective work Les transformtations de l'autorité religieuse (2004).
Samir (Baghdad, Iraq, 1955) work on video and electronic cinema has made over forty films, including Morlove - an Ode for Heisenberg (1986) and the documentary Babylon 2 (1993). In 1994 he co-founded Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion with the director Werner Schweizer. In the nineties besides concentrating on his own projects as an independent producer and director, he worked for German broadcasters, directing several feautures and series for private channels such as SATI, RTL and Pro7, as well as for public television such as the German channels WDR and ZDF and the French-German ARTE. Samir currently teaches at the Kunsthochschule für Medien (KHM) in Cologne and in the Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie (dffb) in Berlin.