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Inicio arrow Desacuerdos arrow Seminar Mass Media, the Multitude and Antagonistic Practices

Seminar Mass Media, the Multitude and Antagonistic Practices

Venue: Diputación de Granada. Palacio de los Condes de Gabia. Plaza de los Girones s/n. Granada
Date: 19th-20th-21st-22rd April 2005




Disagreements. Seminar Mass Media, the Multitude and Antagonistic PracticesDisagreements organizes a symposium on mass media and popular culture, their antagonistic influence upon the visual constructs of the art institution, the legitimacy granted them by the State's policies and the coincidences and confusions that we understand the public sphere to be.

After the death of Dictator Francisco Franco and with the establishment of democracy in Spain, it was logical those elements that, from society's base, formed popular culture would be encouraged. However, since the sixties the capitalist machine had already begun its process of merchandising such forms of popular expression. Control of the new media and the expropriation of the old placed mass culture at the very centre of the struggles being waged against Francoism. Cinema, television, popular music, comics, party iconography… all were subject to an antagonistic tension, to social struggle and political conflict. Moreover the trend within international capital known as pop culture coincided with the reconversion of popular wisdom - autochthonous music, suburban cultures, national identities etc. by populist Francoism under the protective wing of the feminine section, mannerism, and regional traditions.

The insrumentalisation of this popular potential by the regime meant that this de facto victory achieved nothing more that to make the public sphere banal. However, we can observe that in the most radical manifestations of these popular movements signs of resistance appear, transformation tools of use in the reconstruction of a critical culture for challenging a present characterised by the manner in which popular culture was converted into spectacle.

Therefore in the documented political practices and in the counter-information gathered from collectives of independent film-makers -before the large communications companies imposed their legal hegemony; in the leisure breaches opened in a monopolistic information system by reading cartoon strips or comics - with the importance of social rank that each of these terms denotes; in the radical struggle by political iconographers in which agit-prop succumbed before the publicity pressure of popularity - rendered banal by the ideological substitution of Guernica by stag hunting or of Che Guevara by the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In the first moments of underground movements of Barcelona's Rrollo or Madrid's movida we can detect the countercultural tools of resistance and tools criticising situational genealogy - before they became merely the most fashionable element in cultural tourism's offer.

In a present where the culture of mass-consumption "wants" to transform itself into the multitude's general and common knowledge, we have taken these examples as places in which we can exercise our critical faculties and stimulate debate - instead of subtracting we are uniting forces in order to bring about the said transformation.




Tuesday, April 19th 2005

· 17:00 h.
Vitoria, Madrid Cinema Collective, 1976, 25'
O todos o ninguno
, Class Cinema Collective, 1976, 40'
Can Serra
, Alternative Cinema Cooperative, 1976, 30'

· 19:00 h.
Conference by Julio Pérez Perucha:
On the collective as a means of intervention

· 20:30 h.
Round table:
Francisco Javier Gómez Tarín, Andrés Linares, Mariano Lisa, Josep Miquel Marti Rom, moderator: Julio Pérez Perucha

Wednesday, April 20th 2005

· 17:00 h.
Historias de amor y masacre, Jorge Amorós Ballester- "Ja", 1978, 80'

· 19:00 h.
Conference by Antonio Martín:
Disagreements and Creation in the Spanish Comic 1968-1982

· 20:30 h.
Round table:
Rubén Garrido, Felipe Hernández Cava, José Tito Rojo, moderator: Antonio Martín

Thursday, April 21st 2005

· 17:00 h.
Elecciones show, Joan Rabascall, 1977. Courtesy of Rafael Tous

· 19:00 h.
Conference by Antonio Orihuela
On Political Publicity in Spain

· 20:30 h.
Round table:
Carlos Enriquez del Árbol, José Luis García Rúa, Miguel Míguez moderator: Antonio Orihuela

Friday, April 22nd 2005

· 17:00 h.
TVE programmes:
La Edad de Oro, 1983-85: Almodóvar & McNamara, 60'
La Bola de Cristal, 1984-88: El circo de la cultura, 60'

· 19:00 h.
Conference by Lolo Rico
Eighty Things about the Eighties

· 20:30 h.
Round table:
Jesús Arias, José Ignacio Lapido, Juan Antonio Peinado, Nico Torices, moderator: Lolo Rico


Place: Diputación de Granada. Palacio de los Condes de Gabia. Plaza de los Girones s/n. Granada
* All of the film and programme showings and conferences are open to interested members of the public



Julio Pérez Perucha is part of the Autonomous University of Barcelona's Masters in the Theory and Practice of Creative Documentaries team as well as being the Professor of Cinema in Valladolid University. He was secretary of the Cien años de cine [one hundred years of cinema] association and in charge of publications and research for the Committee to Celebrate Spanish Cinematography's Centenary. Co-founder of the Spanish Association of Cinema Historians, he is also at present its President. He is a founder-member of the magazine Contracampo and belongs to the editorial board of the Cinema History magazine Secuencias.
Francisco Javier Gómez Tarín is founder member of the ACIC and Yaiza Borges collectives.
Andrés Linares co-founder of the Cine de Madrid Collective.
Mariano Lisa co-founder, along with Helena Lumbreras Jiménez of the Cine de Clase Collective.
Josep Miquel Marti Rom co-founder of the Cine Alternativo Cooperative.

Antonio Martín focuses his activities principally upon research into the History and Sociology on Industry, Publications and Authors of the Spanish Comic and his publications are mainly in the same fields. He also works as an editor for different Spanish book and newspaper publishers.
Rubén Garrido teacher of visual and comic strip language.
Felipe Hernández Cava co-founder and member of El Cubri.
José Tito Rojo comic author and critic during the nineteen seventies and eighties.

Antonio Orihuela is Doctor of History, teacher and poet. He has coordinated the Juan Ramón Jiménez Foundation's Poet's Meetings Voces del Extremo since 1999. Among the last books he has published, worthy of special mention are: Piedra, corazón del mundo [Stone, Heart of the World] publ. Germania, Valencia, 2001; Narración de la llovizna [Narration of the Drizzle] publ. Baile del Sol, Tenerife 2003; El mal: técnicas de análisis y prospección superficial [Evil: Analysis Techniques and Superficial Prospection] Diputación de Badajoz, 2004; X Antonio Orihuela, LF Ediciones, Béjar, 2005; La piel sobre la piel [Skin upon Skin] Ediciones de la Mano Vegetal, Seville, 2005.
Carlos Enríquez del Árbol President of ADEM (Association of Marxist Studies).
José Luis García Rúa is Professor in Granada University and ex-secretary of the CNT.
Miguel Minguez is teacher of audiovisual in the EARTV.

Lolo Rico is an Academic of Television Arts and Sciences in both Spain and the United States and an honorry researcher in the Complutense University of Madrid's Social Sciences and Philosophy research team. She was director of the television programme La Bola de Cristal [The Crystal Ball] and author of the following publications: Televisión fábrica de mentiras [Television, Factory of Lies], El Libro de La Bola de Cristal [The Book of La Bola de Cristal ] and Carta de una madre de izquierdas a una hija de derechas [Letter from a Left-Wing Mother to a Right-Wing Daughter].
Jesús Arias is musician and journalist.
José Ignacio Lapido is musician.
Juan Antonio Peinado co-founder of Planta Baja and Dj.
Nico Torices is historian.