Líneas de investigación
Proyectos en Curso
Proyectos Anteriores

On Capital and Territory II (on the nature of economy… and of culture) |
Coordination: Mar Villaespesa
On Capital and Territory continues during this course its programme of activities, bringing to a close the series that began in 2007. The project was conceived as a result of the interest shown by UNIA artandthinking in analysing how the production of space is a key aspect in capitalist economy and in approaching it from inter-disciplinary reflection –anthropology, urban geography, psychoanalysis, philosophy and ecologic economy are the different fields of research of the theoreticians taking part in the course– and from the exchange of artistic and activist experiences.
This convergence has allowed for complex responses to different questions: How does economic logic affect the configuration of the urban environment? What role has urban development played in the dynamics of the accumulation of capital? How does the unconscious psychic structure of late capitalism affect the configuration of residential and commercial environments? What are the limits of growth? How should we represent the chief paradoxes of neo-liberal urban development? What visions are contributed by artistic narrative to the discussion of the hegemonic territorial model? What antagonistic modes of action are being produced by civil society before the process of commercial exploitation of the city ‘in the age of its tourist reproducibility’?
The structure -programme of lectures and presentations of works and experiences- has enabled the responses to succeed one another and intersect, generating new questions. It has also enabled the structure to mutate and construct itself starting from the meeting space that emerged out of the exhibition and exchange of knowledge between participants, out of the alliance between people and groups who, worried by the weakening of the public sphere and the loss of commonality, demand the ‘right to the city’.
In short, a certain series and forms of communication and dialogue come to a close, while the documentary basis –both textual and audiovisual– generated by the project is still open as a public space in which to rethink conflicts and open up to others, continue growing and sharing knowledge.
The programme of this last public presentation of On Capital and Territory II still revolves around four central themes: the workshop, the lecture series, audiovisual projections and an audiovisual document.
José Ignacio Aguilar, Daniel Alonso, Paula Álvarez, Javier Andrada, Eduardo Apellániz, Ibon Aranberri, Jorge Arévalo, Rosario Asián, Juan Antonio Bermúdez, Charo Blanco, Manuel Blanco, Antonio Cano, Francisco Cerrillo, Guido Cimadomo, Daniel Coq, Manuel Delgado Cabeza, Claudia Delorenzi, Nuria Enguita, Víctor Fernández Salinas, Manuel Enrique Figueroa, Begoña Gallardo, J. Alejandro Garay, María Eloy-García, Salvador García, Jaime Gastalver, Javier Gil, David Gómez, Aurelio González, Paco González, Marcos González, Isaías Griñolo, Eugenio A. Heredia (Bruyer), Manuel Herrera, Javier Herrera, Alicia Herrero, Ángela Lara, Manuel León, María José Linares, Lucy Lippard, Celia Macías, Carolina
Márquez, Pablo Millán, José Manuel Naredo, Carme Nogueira, Gwendoline de Oliveira, Berta Orellana, Antonio Orihuela, Eladio Orta, Isabel Pérez Montalbán, Manuel Pérez Vargas, Marta Reina, Carmen Rodríguez, Vicente Rodríguez, David Eloy Rodríguez, Inmaculada Rodíguez, Jorge Riechmann, Rafael Romero, José María Romero, Tomás Ruiz-Rivas, Inmaculada Salinas, José María Sánchez-Laulhé, Marta Soler, Sitesize, Eduardo Serrano, José Luis Tirado, Andrés Trevilla, Ferrán Ventura, Jorge Yeregui, Luis Andrés
Zambrana, Claudia Zavaleta de Sautu
Agaden, Arquitectura y Compromiso Social, Asamblea de afectados por el nuevo cauce del Tamarguillo, Asamblea Por El Libre Uso Del
Espacio Público La Calle Es De Todxs, Asociación Histórica Retiro Obrero (AHRO), Asociación Mesa de la Ría, Asociación Tarifa SÍ, Cooperativa de Agroconsumo "Crestas y lechugas", Ecologistas en Acción, Engendro Colectivo, Frente de
Redacción CSOA Fábrica De Sombreros, Grupo AREA, Grupo de Investigación sobre Población Inmigrante en el Distrito
Macarena de Sevilla, Huerta del Rey Moro, Lapanaderia, Liga de Inquilinos “La Corriente”, Master en Gestión Social del Hábitat, Observatorio
Metropolitano, Plataforma Aljarafe Habitable, Plataforma de Artesanos del Casco Antiguo (PACA), Plataforma Ciudadana Valencina
Habitable, Plataforma para Salvar la Casa del Pumarejo, Plataforma
Túmbala, Sin/Studio
· Wednesday 14th October 2009, 5:00 p.m.
Presentation of the work carried out by three research groups at the workshop entitled Capital and Territory. The Construction of a Dream?
Presentation of the papers* that arose out of the Capital and Territory. The Construction of a Dream? workshop
* Papers of Asamblea Por El Libre Uso Del Espacio Público, Guido Cimadomo, Engendro Colectivo, Manuel Enrique Figueroa y Teresa Rojo, Salvador Garcia Guerrero, Jaime Gastalver López-Pazo, Marcos González Sedano, Lapanaderia, Pablo Manuel Millán Millán, Inmaculada Rodriguez Cunill, Sin/Studio Arquitectura, Ferran Ventura Blanch
Presentation of the papers* that arose out of the Capital and Territory. The Construction of a Dream? workshop
* Papers of Paula Álvarez Benítez, Frente de Redacción CSOA Fábrica De Sombreros, Alejandro Garay Pineda, Grupo de Investigación sobre Población Inmigrante en el Distrito Macarena de Sevilla, Manuel Herrera Usagre, Ángela Lara García, Observatorio Metropolitano, José Mª Romero, Tomás Ruiz-Rivas Aguado/Tom Lavin, Inmaculada Salinas, José Mª Sánchez-Laulhé, Eduardo Serrano Muñoz
Yet, the processes of urban change are neither anonymous (those who design, carry them out and drive them forward are economic bodies and specific politicians), nor neutral (profits and privileges are earned for some while others bear the costs by way of environmental degradation and social exclusion). Furthermore, all this is justified by models which still persist, despite their clear inefficiency, and are hailed by myths built around metropolitan space during the modern age: the idea of perpetual progression and the absence of limits; the control of time through speed; the ideal of quality of life associated with consumerism, in this case land property.
In order to bring together distinct visions, that of academic research (from the University) and those from social movements –via the ‘lived’ experience of denouncing the effects of metropolitan development and resistance to this– as well as art´s ways of seeing three working groups have been created to carry out the workshop in process Capital and Territory. The construction of a dream? with the aim of revealing the social, economic, political, environmental and territorial complexity of the changes and conflicts in metropolitan space.
The creation of three hybrid research groups, formed by academicians, representatives of social movements and artists, marked the beginning of a workshop in progress that will conclude this year and is now presenting the work carried out to date.
The workshop was based on three themes, formulated as questions in order to organise the research and make the different perspectives converge:
How do the processes of change in territories/cities materialise? How are public spaces constructed or destroyed and how are spaces of exclusion generated? How do financial issues use territories/cities and how do they affect planning? What bearing do modern myths –and their symbols for creating identity –have on the shaping of metropolitan space and what is the role played by the market and its agents in this process?
From a common space for encounters, dialogue and reflection in which critical theory meets experience and activity, both aesthetic and social, attempts have been made to reveal the territorial complexity of changes and conflicts in metropolitan space. The survey has focused on the urban transformations undergone by the metropolitan area of Seville considered from multiple angles, so as to gain greater insight into the theoretical knowledge of some of the processes experienced in urban realities in Andalusia. However, these are not exclusive to the city, but respond to broader socioeconomic processes with relevant international connections. The territorial dynamics produced in other geographic regions of Andalusia, the Straits of Gibraltar, are also surveyed, revealing how the present myths of ‘production’ and growth actually hide the new redistribution of power currently taking place in which, as described by the economist José Manuel Naredo who delivered a lecture during the June course, “the mega-projects that business groups have in the pipeline hang like the Sword of Damocles over the population, who is ultimately called on to pay for the feast of capital gains, commissions, contracts and tolls originated by that growth”.
This last public presentation will continue to pursue a methodology of the construction of knowledge structured around three moments:
Three documents summarising the theoretical problems approached will be displayed in order to offer a joint vision of the works carried out on each theme, based on the contributions made by the members of each of the research groups, accounts of the movements presented in audiovisual projections and a proposed outline starting from the materials compiled, which will be the object of discussion and exchange of opinions with the whole group of participants.
Another display will consist of the communications received following a call made in the framework of the workshop, which intended to expand the forum of reflection, the modes of producing knowledge and helping to disseminate the thinking and creativity related to the territorial and urban problems affecting metropolitan areas.
Paula Álvarez Benítez (architect)
Eugenio A. Heredia (Bruyer). Visual artist, his work uses popular Sevillian culture as a springboard to dig deeper into social aspects, popular art and today’s urban culture.
Carolina Márquez Guerrero. Lecturer in Regional and Urban Economy at the University of Seville. She is member of the AREA Research Group.
Gwendoline de Oliveira Neves. Doctor in Human Geography, lecturer at the University Pablo de Olavide in Seville.
Berta Orellana Luna. Visual artist/performer, her work focuses on social and feminist topics as well as issues of communication. She is member of the Platform for Reflection on Cultural Politics (PRPC).
Huerto del Rey Moro. Neighbourhood support group which fights
against speculative property, defending the largest non-urbanized
public space in Seville’s old quarter (Sol and Enladrillada streets).
Plataforma Aljarafe Habitable. Set up by citizens,
associations and social movements with a common goal: the defence of
the cultural heritage of the Aljarafe region.
Plataforma para salvar la Casa del Pumarejo. Neighbourhood support
group which is fighting against speculative property and the
gentrification of the San Luis area and to restore the Palace/House
which grants it its name.
Manuel Delgado Cabeza. Senior lecturer in Applied Economics at the University of Seville. Specialist in Regional and Urban Economy, as well Ecological Economy and Andalusian Economy. He is member of the AREA Research Group.
Claudia Delorenzi. Urban architect, member of the Grupo Sururbana, which consists of female professionals working in distinct disciplines related with urban planning, granting us a new vision of the city, from the perspective of gender.
Manuel León Moreno. Visual artist, member of the Intervenciones en Jueves collective. Has carried out various one person exhibitions and participated in numerous group exhibitions.
Antonio Orihuela. Archaeologist of the present and writer on liberal modernity, he has elaborated from the start of the nineties a critical discourse on damaged lives and daily resistance in late capitalist societies.
Vicente Rodríguez Sosa. Lecturer in Applied Economics II at the University of Seville. Specialist in Quantitative and Labour Economics. He is member of the AREA Research Group.
Asociación Tarifa SÍ. Formed by citizens opposing the Algeciras
Bay Port Authority construction project of a new port in Tarifa, within
the environs of the Estrecho Natural Park.
Liga de Inquilinos “La Corriente”.
Association created to fight for fair and stable rent rates, in a
climate in which abuse and incomprehension are suffered by a
defenceless tenants’ community.
Plataforma Túmbala. Consisting of various collectives and
associations, fights against the Puerto Triana project in Seville, and
especially against the 178-metre high skyscraper which has become known
as the Torre Cajasol or the Torre Pelli.
Manuel Blanco Pérez. Spanish graduate and Doctor in Communication Studies from the University of Seville. Creator and and co-ordinator of La mano vegetal publishing house.
Antonio Cano Orellana. Doctor in Economics and Professor in the Department of Applied Economics II at the University of Seville. Member of the AREA Research Group and the Ecological Economy network in Spain.
Víctor Fernández Salinas. Senior lecturer in Human Geography in the History and Geography faculty at the University of Seville. Vice-secretary on the Board of the National Committee of ICOMOS Spain and Vice-president of the Teachers’ Association for the Diffusion and Conservation of Cultural Heritage.
Alonso Gil. Artista
Jorge Yeregui Tejedor. Photographer and architect, has held various individual exhibitions and taken part in numerous collectives.
Arquitectura y Compromiso Social. University NGO based in
Seville since 1993, focusing on militancy and voluntary work, fighting
to transform reality via social movements in favour of a sustainable
Asociación Mesa de la Ría. Organisation working for the
re-establishment of environmental and social legality in Huelva,
fighting in particular for the land around Punta del Sebo in the Avda.
Francisco Montenegro to be returned to the city.
Plataforma Ciudadana Valencina Habitable. A neighbourhood
project set up in opposition to the PGOU, a model of violent urban
speculation proposed for the area of Aljarafe, a project which would
destroy more than 265 hectares of archaeological sites and 41 hectares
of outstanding landscape.
Over two centuries ago Adam Smith left the cornerstones of what is known today as Economy in his An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Ever since then, this science has searched for the laws that explain the accumulation of wealth, understood as rent or generation of -monetary- added value. As these laws became revealed by Economy, economy served to orientate political powers in the role that they should play in the process of accumulation. But today the conventional view of Economy is not useful anymore in explaining economic processes nor to understand its social and ecological implications. Basically because as it centres its attention exclusively on monetary values, it hides the other dimensions of reality.
In the workshop that will be headed by the members of the research group AREA (Regional Analysis: Andalusian Economy), other approaches will be developed on economy that go beyond monetary values, conceiving economy as an open system and taking into account that agrarian processes, industrial or urban ones are not produced in an isolated system, but rather are interconnected with other natural processes with which they exchange energy and materials. This approach of Economy requires a trans-disciplinary understanding that, at the same time, offers an entry for other social and natural sciences to back up the diagnosis and recommendations, overcoming the one-dimensional and isolated view by using diverse units of measurement (physical, biological, territorial… besides financial gauges) that will help us understand economic processes.
The contents that the workshop will include are: Economy in Evolution; Globalisation, Economy and Territory; Accounting Systems and Indicators; Financial System; Agro-food systems; Urban and Territorial Systems; Genre and Work Market. For the presentation and first session an open invitation has been made to different social groups with the aim of making this first encounter a space for dialogue and exchange of experiences. Among the groups that have been invited are the Mesa de la Ría Association, Agaden, Aljarafe Habitable, the Master en Gestión Social del Hábitat, Tarifa Sí, the Agro-consumer Cooperative “Crestas y Lechugas”, Ecologistas en Acción, Valencina Habitable, Mairena Solidaria, the Historical Association Retiro Obrero (AHRO), the Plataforma de Artesanos del Casco Antiguo (PACA), the Asamblea de Afectados por el nuevo Cauce del Tamarguillo, etc.
Research Group AREA (Regional Analysis: Andalusian Economy)
• Manuel Delgado Cabeza: Globalisation, Economy and Territory
If in the first edition of On capital and territory we counted on the presence of theoreticians such as David Harvey, Juliet Flower, Federico Aguilera, Pilar Vega, Ramón Fernández Durán or Arantxa Rodríguez, among others, the season of conferences in this second edition boasts a contribution by poet and philosopher Jorge Riechmann, who considers that social sciences and philosophical reflection should deal with “ecological destruction, socio-economic inequality and the chaos of techno-science”.
The season continues, in the form of conversations with thinkers who likewise tackle critical analysis of territory researching from the economic angle, such as José Manuel Naredo and Manuel Delgado Cabeza, or from representation, such as Ibon Aranberri and Nuria Enguita.
Thursday_15th October 2009, 8:00 p.m.
The City in Disguise: The Impact of Tourism on Santa Fe, New Mexico, by Lucy Lippard.
The reality of space is always contestable whether one is living in it, visiting it, or touring it. Imagined space, on the other hand, is always available. Tourist destinations have been imagined or re-imagined for us by capital, or capitalized by imagination. Santa Fe, New Mexico is, like all places, several different places, located somewhere between reality and the imagination. But over the last century it has been commodified far beyond the usual expectations. As the city in disguise begins its 400th anniversary celebrations, its perennially mythologized history is re-examined. There are three myths and three realities involved: those of Native Americans, represented by the Pueblo peoples still living in the area on their ancient homelands; Hispanos, many of whom descend from and are nostalgic for the colonial days; and ‘Anglos,’ or everyone else, still called ‘Americanos’ by older people. The tri-cultural myth offers three different disguises.
Lucy R. Lippard. She is a writer, cultural critic, activist and co-founder of a number of artistic groups. Regarded as one of the first authors to acknowledge the dematerialisation of the art work, she has curated over fifty exhibitions since 1966 and has written a number of key books in the fields of art history and criticism in which feminism and socio-political engagement take centre stage. Her published works include Six Years: The Dematerialization of the Art Object from 1966 to 1972 (translated into Spanish); From the Center: Feminist Essays on Women’s Art; Get the Message: A Decade of Art for Social Change; Mixed Blessings: New Art in a Multicultural America; The Pink Glass Swan: Selected Essays on Feminist Art; The Lure of the Local: Sense of Place in a Multicentered Society; On the Beaten Track: Tourism, Art and Place. She is currently working on her last book, Scratching the Surface: The Tanos of the Galisteo Basin, 1250-1782, and has recently been awarded an honorary degree by the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design.
Beatriz Herráez. She is graduated in Fine Arts and Art History at the University of the Basque Country. From 2005 to 2008 she was co-director of the Symposium on Study of the Image in Madrid. At present she is in charge of exhibition programming at Centro Cultural Montehermoso Kulturunea in Vitoria-Gasteiz. Her recent curatorial projects include Montehermoso Arte e Investigación 09, Montehermoso, Vitoria (2009); Rendez-vous nowhere, Montehermoso, Vitoria (2008); Soy el final de la reproducción, Sculpture Center, New York (2008) and Castillo/Corrales, Paris (2007). She is a regular contributor to artists’ catalogues and specialised publications.
Álvarez, The Crossing and Other Places, by Carme Nogueira.
Covering a series of projects she has produced over recent years, we see how Carme Nogueira’s artistic practice has become a form of research and knowledge of place that includes process and collaborative work. Such work begins by calling into question what we have learnt to recognise as visible, which defines its own specific place and its own practice. This explains why the first part of her work consists of appearing as the subject, defining her own position in the discourse, making it visible. Through a series of ‘spatially interpreted objects’ she has recounted these places, while defining her role as ‘being in the medium’, editing (compiling), giving voice (dubbing), facilitating a place for experience.
Carme Nogueira. She was awarded a PhD in Fine Arts by the University of Vigo, where she has taught as part-time lecturer, and obtained a grant by the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin. Co-founder of the art and culture journal Fe (1995-1999) she co-directed A trama rururbana at CGAC, Santiago de Compostela, with Pablo Fanego (2007-2008). Her exhibition projects include: Próspera, Instituto Cervantes, Beijing and MARCO, Vigo (2007-2008); the gallery device for the show Aquí y ahora, Sala Rekalde, Bilbao (2008); Cami vell de Manresa that ultimately led to a gallery device for the Pontevedra Biennial (2008); 1000 BXL, together with Dieuwertje Komen, Brussels (2009); RAIR, Former Fotomuseum, Rotterdam (2009).
· 8:00 p.m.
Metropolitan Narratives. Forms of Learning in the Geography of the Common, by Sitesize
Many of the tensions defining the economic and social space of urban life are projected and resolved as territorial conflicts. In connection with them, cultural forms have striven to represent, activate and dynamise the definition of a fragmented space and the cultural condition of the global metropolitan city. In this sense, over recent years creative work has contributed to symbolic rearmament generating knowledge, new metropolitan geographies and imaginaries. However, this definition of the common must be carried out through collective creative actions, in order to generate opportunities for free and shared learning and, from experience, configure positions that will defend, preserve and activate our relationship with the territory of the common.
Sitesize. It is a platform of collaborative projects which since 2002 has been developing specific works of cultural creation and mediation in metropolitan contexts. Its fields of interest focus on practices of independent cultural production and on researching new territorial and landscape geographies. Its object is to generate instruments of critical knowledge based on collective forms of thinking and creation. Its projects include Servicio de Interpretación Territorial (2005-2006), Paisajismo_AHORA (2006), Pasaje Chile_Calle Barcelona. Imaginarios cruzados (2007-2008); SIT Manresa (2008); Narraciones metropolitanas_Aula permanente, Catalan Pavilion, Venice Biennale (2009).
- JUNE 2009
Thursday_18th June 2009, 8:00 p.m.
Displacements in landscape. Monument versus information, a conversation between Ibon Aranberri and Nuria Enguita Mayo
Various aspects of Ibon Aranberri’s work will be analysed via three
possible routes: landscape (using territories as a starting point to
deal with issues of identity construction); history and iconicity
(discussing the often ghostlike presence of history, of the past
presents and their forms of representations, on the monument and the
document and the meeting point between aesthetics and politics) and
language (to tackle the subject of experience, process and action as
well as its formalization whether that be sculptural or informative).
Finally, the conversation will deal with Aranberri’s work in
architecture and design, analysing models, prototypes or systems as
fundamental source of meaning making in his work.
Ibon Aranberri. Studies in the Fine Arts Faculty of the
University of the Basque Country, in Nuova Accademia di Belle-Arti in
Milan and in CCA-Kitakyushu Research Program in Japan. Incorporating
references and subjects of an historical, artistic or political
character, his works alter these and encourage the spectator to reflect
on our ways of understanding collective imagery. Among his individual
exhibitions and recent projects are: Light over Lemoniz (not undertaken), Consonni, Bilbao, 2000; On working with, IASPIS project-room, Stockholm, 2006; Integration, Kunsthalle, Basel, 2007; Disorder, Frankfurter Kunstverein, 2008. He also took part in Documenta 12 in Kassel, 2007 and the 16th Biennial in Sydney, 2008.
Nuria Enguita Mayo. Graduated in History and Art Theory at the
Universidad Autónoma in Madrid. From 1991 to 1998 she worked in the
IVAM as a curator, where she curated a number of different exhibitions.
From 1998 to 2008 she was responsible for projects at the Fundació
Antoni Tàpies, where she also organized a great many exhibitions,
besides seminars and video/cinema sessions. In addition, she has worked
on projects such as Culturas de Archivo or Tour-ismes. La derrota de la disensió.
She formed part of the curators’ groups who organized Manifesta 4 in
Frankfurt in 2002. She is member of the UNIA artandthinking
management team. She is currently advisor for the European Cultural
Foundation based in Amsterdam.
This conversation will attempt to reflect on the activities which
constitute the central nucleus of current-day capitalism, which
supposes an economic shift, from the production of wealth to the mere
acquisition and appropriation of it. This gives arise to processes of
polarization and concentration when those who control power and the
rules of the game have to select available people and territories. In
this context, we can situate the origins and consequences of the
current economic crisis, pointing out the trends and what can be done
in the future with regards these reflections and experiences.
José Manuel Naredo. Doctor in Economic Science, belongs to the
committee of State Statisticians. His extensive research experience
combines in-depth reflections on the fundaments of economic thinking,
with specific analysis of subjects such as the workings of agrarian,
urban and industrial systems and their relationship with natural
resources and territory. He was awarded the National Environment Prize
in 2000 and the International GEOCRÍTICA prize in 2008. A text covering
his intellectual career and numerous publications can be found at: http://www.ub.es/geocrit/-xcol/naredo.htm (updated and extended in his book Luces en el laberinto - Lights in the Labyrinth, La Catarata, 2009).
Manuel Delgado Cabeza. Senior lecturer in Applied Economics at
the University of Seville. His research and teaching have centred on
the relationships between economy and territory, paying particular
attention to the study of territorial inequalities from an unorthodox
angle, which attempts to reveal the costs and social and ecological
deterioration of economic processes, beyond strictly monetary values
and criteria. In this context, we can place his works on the Andalusian
economy, from which we can highlight Dependencia y marginación de la economía andaluza [The Dependence and Marginalization of the Andalusian economy] (1981) and Andalucía en la otra cara de la globalización [Andalusia on the other side of globalization] (2002), as well as contributions to numerous specialist books and magazines.
Friday_28th November 2008, 8:00 p.m.
Elements for a Theory of Ecological Rationality, by Jorge Riechmann.
Where are we? In spite of the illusions we have, we are no longer in an “empty world” but rather –ever since the last decades of the 20th century and for the first time in the history of humanity– we are in a “full world” (or an ecologically saturated one). Nowadays we live –and will do so in the future– under global ecological restrictions. And we are not within a human infrastructure (a “machine world”, a sort of gigantic laboratory / factory) where everything appears to be predictable and controllable, but rather in a biosphere that is intricately complex, with networks of cause and effect that at times are inscrutable, with systemic surprises, threshold effects, irreversibilities and multiple synergies.
Rationality, in the widest sense of the word, refers to the forms of argumentation and calculation as of interests and values (by an individual subject, an institution or a group). Starting from different value systems, we will arrive at different rationalities. Particularly a rationality of productivity / capitalistic consumerism it could be possible to oppose an ecological rationality, as the logics of maximizing the clash between bio-physical realities of our world. The biosphere being as it is, living beings being as they are, a coherent rationality should not be maximising but rather delimited.
In this conference the fact that recent philosophical reflections (particularly the axiological theory of Javier Echeverría and the theory of delimited rationality by Herbert Simon) supply tools of great interest when it comes to drawing up something similar to a theory of ecological rationality will be defended, less adorned with illusions and better adapted to our “pending matter” of greater dimensions: we have still not learned how to live on planet Earth.
Jorge Riechmann (Madrid, 1962). Poet, literary translator and philosopher, he is a Doctor in Political Sciences by the Universidad Autónoma of Barcelona, lecturer of moral philosophy in the University of Barcelona as well as vice-president of the association of Scientists of the Environment (CiMA). During the academic year of 2008-2009 he is a guest teacher in the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. Since 1987 when he won the II Hiperión poetry award and thanks to this he published his first book of poetry, Cántico de la erosión (Ediciones Hiperión, Madrid, 1987), he has published other poetic works up to Conversaciones entre alquimistas (Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, 2007) and Rengo Wrongo (DVD Ediciones, Barcelona, 2008). Among his latest publications are the ecological philosophical work Biomímesis (Los libros de la catarata, Madrid, 2006), the translation of René Char in Poesía Esencial (Galaxia Gutenberg, Barcelona, 2005), essays on poetics of Resistencia de materiales (Ediciones de Intervención Cultural, Mataró, 2006) or the “working diary” Bailar sobre una baldosa, which is currently in the process of being published.
Projection of the film Cannibal Tours by Dennis O’Rourke, 1988, 72 min, dvd, original soundtrack with Spanish subtitles*
Cannibal Tours consists of two journeys. In the words of its director, the first journey portrays tourists on a cruise along the River Sepik in the Papua New Guinea jungle, a ‘condensed’ version of Heart of Darkness; the second is a metaphysical journey, an attempt to discover the place of the Other in popular imagination, a look at the reasons why ‘civilised’ people wish to meet the ‘primitive’. A reflection on the role of Westerners as tourists and that of indigenous peoples as primitives. A portrayal of the myth of cannibalism in a theme-park aesthetic.
An ethnographic documentary considered a classic, that continues to welcome questions on the construction of imaginaries and on social inequalities derived from both the colonial age and from today’s globalisation.
The new stage of financing the economy based on the creation of ‘finance company money’ by transnational companies, has consolidated the current “economy of acquisition” which in urban planning finds its greatest expression via the property market.
David Harvey, in recent writings and conversations, has shown with regards the international situation that what is happening is “a superficial eruption generated by profound tectonic drifts in the space-time mechanism of capitalist development”, and that these plate movements are accelerating their displacement and most probably there will be more violent and frequent crises in the future. In spite of the dramatic emphasis, Harvey continues to demand from his research area “the right to the city” and human rather than trade values, as well as vindicating the current opportunity for “construction possibilities of radical alternatives”. His attitude is to problematize, expressing in an unprejudiced way that “the Marxists are not good at understanding the financial complexity of town planning”, then likewise considering that they are magnificent in the understanding of other areas and that Das Kapital continues to represent the most thorough statement on the workings of capitalism that exists.
We certainly have to rethink theoretical positions and consider that the alternative possibilities that could exist, can emerge from problematizing, an attitude in which both critical and experimental film-makers and narrators, such as Harun Farocki and Alexander Kluge have spent decades adopting.
Thursday_18 June 2009, 7:00 p.m.
Projection of the film Nicht ohne Risiko [Nothing Ventured] by Harun Farocki, 2004, 50 min, V.O. subtitled in spanish.
An average company meets with a venture capital firm to negotiate a credit with which they hope to transform a technical invention into a mass-market product. Farocki merely observes these meetings without making any commentary until a number of different negotiations leads to sealing the deal. A microscopic look at a cell of today’s economy and an ethnographic portrait of a common occurrence in today’s economy.
Projection of the film Nachrichten aus der ideologischen Antike. Marx, Eisenstein, Das Kapital [News from Ideological Antiquity. Marx–Eisenstein–Capital] by Alexander Kluge, 2008, 90 min, V.O. subtitled in spanish.
“It’s decided. Karl Marx Das Kapital is going to be filmed” wrote Eisenstein. We will never know exactly how he took on this challenge, but he noted down some ideas. He spoke of techniques such as “emotional convolutions” and “dialectic images”, from the narrative of Ulysses by James Joyce. Alexander Kluge comments on all this in his audiovisual essay of almost 10 hours in length made up of “cinematic miniatures” He has stated, as the title shows, that the film speaks of antiquities: “it speaks directly with someone who was born in 1818, Marx, and with someone who planned to film Das Kapital in 1927, Eisenstein”.
The author’s abridged version of the film will be shown which has been translated and subtitled into Spanish especially for this showing.
We take for granted that the map is not the territory (Korzybski) and it is necessary to trace maps that lift up the diffuse reality of our society (Armando Silva). It is, in this sense where Wasteland landscapes places the focus point and penetrates the territory by a poetry that lives the landscape in a completely different way from which it has been done so far, creating poetics of experience as they are known today.
A poetry that some brand as resistance poetry but would be more aptly called poetry of limits, poems that speak of the hardness of ultra-liberal times we live in and do not hide behind floral games. Friends of NO that they perceive in their closer landscapes, certain circumstances that deserve an analytical view of reality in the first person. Discourses that operate analysing daily violence that seeps through all environments, discourses that in many cases, have their roots in information and publicity areas to expose the degree of penetrability of this violence in all spheres of life.
Analysis as a field of reflection, as a space of gestation of ideas and proposals through poets that are dedicated to constructing their work from points of view as diverse as fringe unleashed town planning, destruction of nature where they were born, the loss of more recent historic memory, the new shape of working class districts, settlements of temporary workers, behaviour models of young people… In sum, the elements of our new map of the present, our landscapes of wastelands.
For this poetry, we suggest the characteristics that in “lesser” literature were read by Deleuze and Guattari in their study on the works by Kafka: “The three characteristics of lesser literature are de-territorialisation of language, articulation of individuality in the immediate-political sphere, the collective element of enunciation. Which is the equivalent of saying that “lesser” no longer brands certain types of literature but rather the revolutionary conditions of any type of literature in the heart of so called “major” (or established literature)”.
This series, headed by Isaías Griñolo and Antonio Orihuela, will take place in the Sala El Cachorro and will have as guest poets Juan Antonio Bermúdez, María Eloy-García, Eladio Orta, Isabel Pérez Montalbán, Antonio Orihuela, Jorge Riechmann and David Eloy Rodríguez.
Juan Antonio Bermúdez (Jerez de los Caballeros, 1970).
María Eloy-García (Málaga, 1972).
Isaías Griñolo (Bonares, Huelva, 1963).
Antonio Orihuela (Moguer, Huelva, 1965).
Eladio Orta (Isla Canela, Ayamonte, Huelva, 1957).
Isabel Pérez Montalbán (Córdoba, 1964).
David Eloy Rodríguez (Cáceres, 1976).
The recording of activities and interviews with participants in the various public presentations of On Capital and Territory II is the starting point for a documentary which, as we have stated previously, as well as providing archive material is an instrument for publicising the discussion at the heart of the project. Conceived as an exercise in collective narrative, it is structured in two parts: the first (already published) starts from the record of the programme of the public presentation last November, while the second will be published taking last June’s and the present programme. Manuel Pérez Vargas and José Luis Tirado are in charge of the direction and edition.
Wednesday_14th October 2009
· 5:00 p.m.
· 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
· 6:30 p.m.
· 8:00 p.m.
· 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
· 6:30 p.m.
· 8:00 p.m.
Thursday_18th June 2009
· 6:30 p.m.
· 7:00 p.m.
· 8:00 p.m.
· 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
· 6:30 p.m.
· 8:00 p.m.
* All the activities are open to the public
WORKSHOP* Other Approaches on Economy
Thursday_27th of November 2008
Friday_28th of November 2008
Friday_28th of November 2008
Friday_28th of November 2008
Saturday_29th of November 2008
* All the activities are open to the public