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Image from the intervention of Jacques Rancière in the seminar "The New Right: Ideas and Means for the Counter-revolution (II)"arteypensamiento (artandthinking) is a project organised by the International University of Andalusia with the aim of incorporating the university into the discussion, production, diffusion and consolidation of contemporary creation and thought. It should be seen not simply as a way of contributing to the International University of Andalusia's academic activities, but more as a way of involving the university in the cultural and social framework, and as a means of increasing its influence on the social fabric.

arteypensamiento is based on the concept of re/thinking, the relationship between art, culture and society, and as a result aims at re/formulating models, formats, modes of presentation and diffusion: workshops, laboratories, seminars, conferences, encounters, projects on the Net, publications.

The concept has a unitary but plural character in terms of activities and formats, the aim is to produce productive, transversal, interdisciplinary and trans-national projects which focus on thought, art and contemporary action...

Image from "May 1968: The Beginning of an Era I. Seeds and Germs"It is also fundamental that the parts and the whole are integrated. The idea is to develop the necessary mechanisms to produce a continuous process which aids common and shared intelligence, and encourages the "issue-addressing" of what we could generically refer to as the contemporary project. Using the project for uniting, contextualising and globalising activities which up to now have been separated and fragmented with the aim of interrelating activities in a fruitful manner.

Overall therefore, the idea is to highlight the contradictions in the art world with which we are all familiar, whilst at the same time attempting to reform the traditional modes of publishing, presentation and diffusion, with the ultimate aim of offering new ways of developing them.

In line with the concept of re/thinking, arteypensamiento, proposes a model adapted to the needs of today's artists, to methods of production, and to the diffusion of contemporary creation, bearing in mind the socio-economic, political, and philosophical reality of our times.

Image from the forum "10,000 francs reward (The Contemporary Art Museum, dead or alive)". From the left to the right: Javier González de Durana, Mieke Bal, Grant Watson, Allan Sekula and Beatriz HerráezIt would be interesting to generate a dialogue between art, thought, and society, as well as to transfer and interrelate artistic experience and contemporary thought within the context of the space in which it is exhibited, and, at the same time, to see the context not only as a place of presentation but also as a place which creates its own concepts.

arteypensamiento believes that it is essential that spaces of knowledge cease to be seen solely as grand places for contemplation and become creative and productive spaces, which allow artists and thinkers to carry out projects which change the tendency to contemplate and over-concentrate on the object, and move towards a culture of process, motion, and dialogue, so as to give art and thinking a sense of importance in social dialogue, opening new ways of communication, cooperation and co-production with other national and international institutions and spaces which have encouraged the development of nonconformist and plural views.





Equipo Rectoral 2001-2005
Rector: José María Martín Delgado
Vicerrector de Ordenación Académica y Profesorado Adjunto D. Sebastián Chaves de Diego
Equipo Rectoral 2005-2013
Rector: Juan Manuel Suárez Japón
Vicerrectora de Extensión Universitaria y Participación: Marí­a del Rosario Garcí­a-Doncel Hernández
Equipo Rectoral 2013-2017
Rector: Eugenio Domínguez Vilches
Vicerrectora de Igualdad, Cultura y Cooperación al Desarrollo: Yolanda María de la Fuente Robles
Equipo Rectoral 2017-2019
Rector: José Sánchez Maldonado
Vicerrector de Formación Permanente y Extensión Universitaria: Manuel Acosta Seró
Equipo Rectoral 2019-2024
Rector: José Ignacio García Pérez
Vicerrector de Formación Permanente y Cultura: Manuel Acosta Seró

UNIA- Dirección Área de Cultura: Isabel Ojeda Cruz
UNIA- Gerencia: Luisa  Margarita Rancaño Martín
BNV Producciones

Alejandro del Pino Velasco.

Nuria Enguita. Productora cultural, Barcelona.
Santiago Eraso. Productor cultural, Donostia-San Sebastián.
Yolanda Romero. Directora del Centro José Guerrero, Granada.
Pedro G. Romero. Escultor, Sevilla.
Mar Villaespesa. Crítica de arte, Tarifa-Sevillaa.
BNV Producciones.



In accordance with the spirit of the project there is not only one single space to cover the different activities. Spaces used by arteypensamiento, as well as those belonging to the International University of Andalusia (UNIA) itself, will also include other areas in institutions or public bodies, as well as public spaces in the city and in means of communication. A living and growing network radiating from a double central base: the Rector's Office of the International University of Andalusia and the virtual arm of arteypensamiento on the Internet.

The idea is that each project is contextualised in a space so that it attains a significance and efficiency which guarantees its social, political and media impact. As Lucy Lippard recently said: "Art on its own has no social impact. It is its contextualisation which gives it force".

Universidad Internacional de Andalucía
Monasterio de Santa María de las Cuevas
Américo Vespucio, nº2
Isla de la Cartuja. 41092 Sevilla (España)
Tfno: 34 95 446 2299 / Fax: 34 95 4462288
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